Time & Location
Oct 17, 2024, 7:00 p.m. – 9:30 p.m.
Waterloo, 315 Weber St N, Waterloo, ON N2J 3H8, Canada
About the event
My dad was a committed handtool woodworker who turned me onto carving greenwood bowls with gouge and mallet in my childhood. I’ve carved many bowls this way over the last 40 years. When I began my adventures making bowls on a lathe about 6 years ago, it was second nature to add carved textures. Work-holding is one of the bigger challenges when carving three dimensional objects, bowls or sculpture. I discovered that the 4-jaw chuck is a great work-holding device, which led me to begin carving right on the lathe before the turning is completed. In this demonstration I’ll show some of my tricks for turning green wood, getting good clean cuts that need little or no sanding, and I’ll also demonstrate hand carving embellishment. Green wood brings its own challenges and also considerable opportunity. With a couple of nice juicy chunks of Norway maple we’ll explore what wor…